If you're on this page you are someone special and you've been given a secret link for tickets not yet available to everyone. Use your back button to get back here after browsing the site because this page isn't on the menu!
We are so excited you want to join us for our Annual Auction. Your tickets include appetizers and wine/beer during the social hour as well as a seated dinner with wine/beer at your table.
These early bird ticket prices are available until March 14th, 2025.
If you are purchasing more than 1 ticket or a table, you only need to give us your information and meal choice. We will send you an RSVP link to forward to your guests so they can share their details and meal choice.
Reserved Early Bird Tables come with two Golden Tickets ($25 value) for the table host and 1 string of "Heads or Tails" game beads for each table.
Seating will be assigned this year based on the GROUP field
If you want all your tickets seated together us your last name in the GROUP field.
If you are buying an individual ticket but want to sit with some who invited you put their name in the GROUP field.